Middle son is a huge fan of Doctor Who.
The other day he felt inspired to design a Doctor Who poster, after having watched what I presume was a particularly exciting episode the night before.
In all honesty I am becoming a little tired of the constant references to, and questions about, Doctor Who. My capacity for feigning interest is running out at a stupendous rate in fact. I don't know what the new Doctor looks like. I don't in truth care that the old one regenerated in the first place. And I have absolutely no idea who would win in a fight between the Daleks and the Oods.
So when Middle Son proudly showed me his poster, I'm ashamed to say that although I made all the right noises as in, 'Ooh that's fantastic, let's find some blue tack and stick it up', I didn't actually look at it terribly closely.
Earlier today though, I was on the phone to a friend, and sitting opposite the fridge on which the not terribly closely looked at poster had been stuck. Studying it properly for the first time, I realised with a start that what is supposed to be the Tardis, in fact resembles an enormous phallus. The Doctors mouth is open in what appears to be an expression of petrified shock (presumably he's never seen a cock that big), and orange flames are shooting from his mouth and hands. All deeply Freudian. I asked Middle Son what the Doctor was doing. 'He's regenerating' he said to me in a weary tone which suggested clearly that he is sick to the back teeth of my pig ignorance.
One can only assume that this regeneration is some sort of spontaneous reaction to suddenly being faced with a penis for a Tardis.
Love it! Reminds me of Amy's sculpture of a flower. Ahem. Photograph on my blog post "Bendapenis".
ReplyDeleteI absolutely love Doctor Who. David Tennant used to be my complete crush until he announced he was leaving. And I quite fancy those daleks, remind me of my old headmaster.
CJ xx
Very Freudian alright. So funny!
ReplyDeleteYep. That's one enormous penis.
ReplyDeleteDefinitely one to have printed up as your Christmas card next year I reckon :)
Indeed. Might possibly be one step up from the menacing snowman complete with forked staff that was Eldest sons xmas card design last year.
ReplyDeleteThere's a post about that in my archives somewhere... Sinister Seasons Greetings I called it I think.
Thanks for your comment on my blog. You mentioned my post Bendapenis, here's the link if you want to see it: http://crystaljigsaw.blogspot.com/2010/01/bendapenis.html
ReplyDeleteWell, at least it's the address, I'm very un-technical!! Enjoy.
CJ xx
With you on not really buying into Doctor Who that much. But I love the penis tardis. Made me smile just a little bit in a heh heh heh kind of way. Well, we have to get our kicks from somewhere? x
ReplyDeleteOf course, the Freudian sub-text of the re-constituted Dr Who as conceived by Russell T. Davies is worthy of an entire treatise. That could be the cover!
ReplyDeleteThis answers a question for me. I work at a university. A reasonably enlightened place, no? But we have this elevator that's undergoing service and they've ripped out the paneling and replaced it with chipboard. Every day there is a new drawing of either a penis or a set of boobs. I was wondering if it was an instinctual urge on the part of my fellow men to draw phalli and breasts. Based on your boy's drawing, maybe it's just a part of our maleness.